USED-Sunnen Honing Machine Model MBC-1804D

Out of stock

Make: Sunnen

Country of Origin: USA

Model #: MBC-1804D

Serial #: 1G1-87589

Condition: Great

SKU: 1044
USED-Sunnen Honing Machine Model MBC-1804D
SKU 1044
Make Sunnen
Country of Origin USA
Model No. MBC-1804D
Serial # 1G1-87589
Condition Great
  • USED-Sunnen Honing Machine Model MBC-1804D Features:
  • Setup and changeover are so fast and easy (even with Automatic Sizing) you can be running pieces on the hone long before you’d have a grinder ready to go. The universal honing fixure handles nine out of ten jobs. No chucks or fixtures or critical alignment.
  • Another factor is fast stock removal with the new Sunnen Hones. The 1802 is a heavy duty machine with plenty of power to give you spindle speeds up to 2,500 RPM. This baby really cuts!
  • Power Stroking and Automatic Sizing really “put the icing” on the Sunnen Hone. It’s fast and sure. Easy to run. Operators like it.
  • Automatic Sizing – the finishing touch for the Sunnen Hone. The guesswork, the dial-watching is gone. Once the job is set right it runs…automatically. You’re as close to 100% good pieces as you can get.
  • Simple Setup – Even with Automatic Sizing, setup and changeover are quick and easy. The only difference is that you now have to select, set and put on the right bore-sensing tip. There’s still no need for chucks or fancy locating fixtures. Most jobs can be run with the standard universal fixture supplied by Sunnen.
  • Power Stroking – The development that made Sunnen Honing an entirely new process. No more hard work. The machine provides all the muscle. It completely eliminates the tiring job of manual stroking. Feed rates, stroke length and stroke speed are set and locked in for keeps. No tricks to learn. Human erros are eliminated. Even new operators hold tight tolerances and get top rates after a few hours’ experience.
  • Fast Stock Removal – A lot of people used to specify Sunnen Honing only for close tolerances and fancy finishes. But that’s all changed. To give you a dramatic demonstration of how the new Sunnen Hones can removed stock…we used a Graph-Mo Tool Steel (62 Rockwell “C”) Ring Gage. Original hold diameter was .490″. In 26 minutes of honing, we removed .385″…more than 3/8″…bringing the hole diameter to .875″. That’s stock removal! Now you can go right to the hone witha lot of jobs you used to rough out by reaming, precision boring or grinding. You get stock removal, good geometry and finish size.
  • Consistent Quality – Power Stroking assures constant stroke length, stroke rate and stone feed. Combined with Automatic Sizing this means closer control or bore size, finish and geometry than ever before…at high production rates.
  • Cuts all Kinds of Materials from A to Z – Sunnen Power Honing cuts them fast and clean: Alnico, Aluminum, Ceramics, Ferrite, Fiberglass, Gold, Graphite, Hasteloy, Invar, M2Steel, Monel, Nylatron, Plexiglass, Porcelain, Quartz, Silicon, Stainless Steel, Tantalum, Zircaloy, and just about any other material you can name. With Sunnen Power Honing and CBN/borazon honing stones…even abrasion-resistant materials like Hardened Tool Steel, Nitraloy, Iconel and Stellite cut free and easy. What about carbide? It’s a cinch! The new hone takes out stock at the rate of .006″ per minute in a Carboly 44A Bushing 1/2″ in diameter x 1-3/4″ long. Sunnen hones them all. Another reason a Sunnen Hone is one of the most useful machines you can own.Runs all Kinds of Parts – A Sunnen Hone is one of the most versatile machine tools you can own. It handles pieces of almost any size or configuration.
    -Multiple Land and Tendem Bores without Rainbow or Washout. Sunnen’s long stone bridges the lands…keeps them all in line and the same size.
    -Bores with Keyways or Splines. Specially designed stones and mandrells make honing keyways as easy as plain bores.
    -Blind End Holes. Sunnen Tooling is easily adapted to hone clear to the bottom of blind bores and give you better fits than any other process (blind holes cannot be automatically sized).
    -Thinwall Parts to tight tolerances. There are no chucks or clamps to distort or break delicate pieces.
    -Heavy or Odd-Shaped Parts. They don’t have to be chucked or swung or precisely located. A simple, easy-to-make holding fixture does the trick in most cases.
  • Includes Sunnen LN-650 Tooling Cabinet.
  • USED-Sunnen Honing Machine Model MBC-1804D Specifications:
  • Automatic Sizing I.D. Range: 1/8 (3.18mm) to 2″ (51mm)
  • Power Stroking I.D. Range: .060″ (1.5mm) to 3-3/4″ (95mm)
  • Manual Stroking I.D. Range: .060″ (1.5mm) to 6-1/2″ (165mm)
  • Length Range: open end bores up to 10″ (254mm) length can be automatically sized. Open or blind bores up to 16″ (406mm) can be power stroked or manually stroked
  • Spindle Speeds: 200 – 250 – 320 – 400 – 500 – 640 – 800 – 1,000 – 1,270 – 1,600 – 2,000 – 2,500 RPM
  • Stroking Rates: 80-110-160-220-310 SPM
  • Setup Time: 10 to 20 minutes
  • Honing Oil Capacity: 25 gallons
  • Motor: 1 Horsepower, 208-230 / 460 Volt, 3.3-3.4 / 1.7 Amps, 60 Hz
  • Electrical: 230 Volt, Three Phase, 60 Hz
  • Overall Dimensions of Cabinet: 37″ x 24″ x 67″ tall
  • Overall Dimensions Honing Machine: 47″ x 55″ x 62″ tall

SUNNEN HONING MACHINE MODEL MBC-1804D Comes as shown in pictures….

GUARANTEE: If any machine guaranteed by us does not prove satisfactory mechanically, the Purchaser may return it freight prepaid within 14 days from date of shipment and we will refund the purchase price in full. This does not apply to machine sold “as is” or “subject to inspection”. This guarantee applies only to machines which we own. The machine must be returned in the same condition that it left our warehouse. MachineStation shall not be responsible for any damage done by truckers, riggers, or other parties. Machine damaged in shipping are not covered under the return privilege.

WARRANTY: Seller makes no warranties of any kind whatever, expressed, or implied. All specifications and descriptions of said goods are approximate, not binding and meant only as a guide. It is the Buyer’s responsibility to inspect the goods and ascertain if the specifications, description and condition of the goods confirm to the Buyer’s requirement.

MACHINE USE AND SAFETY: Buyer acknowledges that the goods described herein are pre-owned used goods which were neither designed or manufactured by the Seller, nor has the Seller knowledge of, or control over, the prior use or misuse of said goods: nor does the Seller have knowledge or control over the application of these goods by the Buyer. It is the Buyer’s (user’s), responsibility to provide proper safety devices, equipment and instructions for any particular use, and to take all necessary steps to confirm to all Federal, State or Local Government Safety Standards and including OSHA.


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